Coronavirus Quick References, Association Protocol, Programming, and Procedural Updates Information on this page continues to be updated in real-time. Please note, while many of the resources are open to the public some, especially those of a sensitive nature are limited to AAGO Members and... Continue Reading
Stay informed on all things industry related.
Update: The Slate of Officers & Directors was ratified on October 27th, 2020 by the AAGO Membership! TO REGISTER FOR JANUARY 2021 INSTALLATION DINNER CLICK HERE The Nominating Committee for the Apartment Association of Greater Orlando (AAGO) has selected the following slate of Officers and... Continue Reading
Phase 2 of Florida's recovery, as outlined in Executive Order 20-139 took effect on Friday, June 5th. Executive Order #20-180- Limited Extension of Mortgage Foreclosure and Eviction Relief Executive Order #20-139 re: Phase 2: Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida's Recovery Individuals... Continue Reading
In partnership with the National Apartment Association (NAA), in an effort to show our appreciation, Wednesday, August 12, 2020, has been designated as Apartment Onsite Teams Day! The apartment industry has and continues to face a lot of uncertainty. However, throughout the pandemic, one... Continue Reading
A Message from NAA CEO, Robert Pinnegar: COVID-19 has already brought unprecedented and unique challenges to the apartment industry, and in the coming weeks, we will reach a critical crossroads as rent relief programs have been depleted, enhanced unemployment benefits expire and the federal... Continue Reading
Please click here to access the Virtual Business Exchange event site! Continue Reading
This page contains national, state, and county-specific contact information and reference websites to provide members a quick reference tool for responding to issues associated with COVID-19. In a recent COVID-19 Task Force press conference, President Trump emphasized the importance of... Continue Reading
The unconscionable death of George Floyd, the latest in a series of injustices, has stunned and angered communities across the globe.Throughout the country, and in our regions, millions of voices are crying out and demanding change to systemic and institutional racism. We once again face the... Continue Reading
On Monday evening Governor DeSantis extended the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures until July 1, 2020. The Apartment Association of Greater Orlando (AAGO) respects and understands the Governor’s decision. Without a doubt, the pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented hardship for... Continue Reading
In March, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released Fair Market Rents and Income Limits data for assisted housing programs including the Public Housing, Section-8 project-based, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Section 202 housing for the elderly and Section 811 housing for... Continue Reading
COVID-19: Office and Amenity Reopening Supplies & Services The following AAGO supplier partner members have responded to a call to action and indicated they have the following products and services needed to reopen offices and amenities with a quick turnaround. We will continue to update as... Continue Reading
On May 5, 2020, we hosted a virtual office and amenity reopening discussion for our members to address, strategize, engage and exchange ideas, thoughts, and best practices as we enter phase 1 of our state's reopening process. Below, we have outlined a few discussion highlights, as well as,... Continue Reading