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Directory Banner Ad Three Month Price

NEW FOR 2021 | Advertise on the Directory!

Most of the perks of an annual ad with less committment! | Three month price.

Major improvements have been made to the member directories. These enhancements improve search functionality, aesthetics, navigation, and provide new opportunities to promote your business with banner ads! 

Banner Ad Features:

Sample category featuring banner ad
Sample category featuring banner ad placement (purple duck)

Additional Information

  • Placement in your preferred category is subject to availability. Orders will be handled on a first-come-first-served basis.*
  • You are responsible for providing all artwork and approved designs on a timely basis. See confirmation email for additional information/requirements.
  • Please double-check availability in your preferred category(ies) here prior to purchase.
  • Note: This ad will not automatically renew. You must re-commit or upgrade to an annual ad for auto-renewal.

Non-Member Price: $500
Member Price: $225