Job Shadow Day
Host a teen that has aged out of Foster Care for Job Shadow Day!

The Apartment Association of Greater Orlando (AAGO) is partnering with Embrace Families, a local non-profit that provides children with a safe, stable, and loving home, to provide a hands-on job shadow experience for Central Florida foster youth on Thursday, June 9th.
A small group (2-4 teens) will spend the day at an AAGO member site learning about the diverse and financially rewarding careers in the apartment industry. “This experience makes a positive impact on dozens of young people who are exploring ways to transition out of the social services network and into meaningful lives in our community,” says Allan Chernoff, COO of the City of Life Foundation.
This event seeks to inspire teens transitioning out of the foster care system to explore the diverse career paths in the apartment industry. If you would like to register your community to participate in this event, please select "REGISTER NOW". If you are a supplier partner and would like to participate, please reach out to the event contact about opportunities. If you are registering more than one site, please email Chris with the list of communities you would like to participate.
AAGO and its members are committed to giving back to the local community. For more information regarding other philoanthropic volunteer opportunities, please visit:
Embrace Families believe all kids deserve to grow up in safe, stable and loving homes. That’s why they work to find solutions that put the child’s well-being first.
As a recognized national leader in child welfare services, they begin by helping Central Florida families overcome the root causes of abuse and neglect through programs that offer case management and other prevention services. When a child can’t remain safely in their home, they support them through foster care, adoption, mentoring and beyond to ensure that children in bad situations move toward brighter futures.
How they do it:
They have a commitment to keep struggling families intact and improve outcomes for children, teens and young adults extends beyond the scope of traditional child welfare services; and our innovative organizational structure is designed to support this expanded scope.
Guided by a single vision, Embrace Families operates a centralized network of individual companies, each serving a distinct role.
For More Information: