A Legislative Dele-what?

Posted By: Trinity Kutschinski Industry, Membership,

Be in the Know

Legislative Delegation Meetings

What are They? Where are They? Why Should I Care?



As 2020 quickly creeps upon us, so does the 2020 Legislative Session. Florida has a quirky legislature, cycling between an earlier legislative session, beginning in January and a legislative later session, starting in March. In 2020, we will have an earlier session, set to begin Tuesday, January 14. As we gear up for what's to come it is important to begin familiarizing yourself with everything going on in and around your community. If you find yourself having difficulty staying "in the know", attending your county's Legislative Delegation meeting will give you an excellent overview of all communal happenings. Additionally, these meetings yield the opportunity of putting a face to the name, as it pertains to your legislators. 


What are they?

Legislative Delegation meetings work to harbor communications between a county's citizens, organizations, and state and local governments. These meetings give lawmakers and their constituents a chance to plunge into local issues, away from the hustle and bustle of Tallahassee. Discussing highlighted subjects, hearing testimony, and receiving feedback from members of the community allows lawmakers to establish legislative priorities and better serve their districts. Whether it's a county commissioner asking for funding to be set aside for new developments, a local organization asking for continued legislative support, or a group of mothers asking for an increase in after-school programs, these meetings give you the opportunity to gain vital community insight. Further, they present lawmakers and their constituents with the chance to connect, decipher the best way to articulate their comments and concerns and find common ground on topics deemed important by the community. Most importantly, these meetings help establish how they can tackle these affairs, together.  


Where are they?

Depending on the county, Legislative Delegation meetings can be held anywhere from your local government administration building, civic center, county courthouse, local college campus, city hall, you name it! Most of Florida's Legislative Delegation meetings will take place throughout December and January.

To find out when and where your Legislative Delegation meeting is taking place, take a peek at AAGO's event calendar


Why Should I Care?

Part and parcel to ensuring your industry's voice is heard, requires staying alert and on top of issues taking place in and around your community. This allows your Senators and Representatives to better represent you and advocate for or against legislation that betters your community and its interests. Represent yourself, your community, and your industry by attending your county's upcoming delegation meeting. 


For more information, please contact Trinity Kutschinski.